net K2 Technology Applied For Compressed Audio and Music Distribution. A technology used in the early stage of music streaming when compression rate was still high, designed mainly for mobile phones. net K2 contains two areas known as pre-processing and post-processing. 

Pre-processing is to apply K2 e ffect into the o verall music source. Optimal K2 pre-processing aligned to e ach individual type o f c ompression format (AAC, ATRAC3, WMA, MP3, etc.) is performed before compressing the original music source. Compressed music sources that a re pre-processed enable the music data to be returned to a state close to the original prior to compression to produce high-quality sound despite the music source being compressed. The effects of pre-processed music can also be obtained from any playback equipment. 

K2 post-processing technology is implemented for hardware. The same effect can be achieved with the same operating principles of K2 built-into consumer electronics equipment. It plays back compressed music sources to create high-quality sound. Executing the K2 post-processing enables music data to be reproduced at levels that are close to the original sound prior to compression. 

K2 post-processing brings out the best effect in all compressed music files in a wide r ange of formats. In addition, by having both Pre- and Pos t-pr ocessing of K2 implement ed, the eff ec t s of this ar e e v en m or e p r onounced f or compr essed m usic file that h as b een K2 pre-processed, and this creates high-quality sound.

Currently, the basic algorithm is the same, so the post processing is collectively called “K2HD processing” and the preprocessing is called “K2HD coding”.

Implemented as an application program

net K2 pre-processing conducts special processing for signals from the master source before they are encoded. This processing ensures that important signals in audible range, which are usually eliminated in the compression processing remain even after compression.

Implemented as a mobile/digital audio

This processes restore the information which was lost in the digitization and compression processes. It results in significantly improved sound quality.