The JVCKENWOOD Group regards increasing the transparency and efficiency of decision-making in management by strengthening corporate governance and aiming to improve corporate value as one of the most important management issues. The JVCKENWOOD Corporate Governance Policy is basic policy on corporate governance touching upon the each of the principles of the Corporate Governance Code, and it serves as guidelines for implementing a sound and robust governance system throughout the Group.
The JVCKENWOOD Group is undertaking company-wide efforts to bolster corporate governance and continually generate profit in order to meet the expectations of our stakeholders and to achieve our Corporate Philosophy of “Creating excitement and peace of mind for the people of the world.”
In promoting our initiatives, we set the following KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and manage their progress.
Theme | KPI | ||
FY2023 | FY2025 | FY2030 | |
Improve deliberation
Further transfer of authorization to the execution side (revision of the agenda standards)
Strengthening the Group governance
Increase the ratio of external directors
Strengthening diversity | Appointing one or more female executive officers | Appointing three or more female executive officers | Aim to achieve a ratio of female executive officers of over 30% |
JVCKENWOOD Corporate Governance Policy
(established December 1, 2015, revised December 23, 2021)
The Company has established the Regulations for Timely Disclosure, which are established internally.
The Information Disclosure Committee examines the content and means of information disclosure on matters decided or identified within the Company, and it provides accurate information to stakeholders in a timely manner.
The Company holds constructive dialogue with shareholders with the aim of achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value over the medium to long term. Through such dialogue, the Company shall clearly convey its management policy to shareholders and endeavor to gain their understanding, providing the Company’s management and the Board of Directors with feedback concerning the opinions and concerns of the shareholders obtained through dialogue, in the Company’s efforts to enhance corporate value.
Status of dialogue between management and shareholders in FY2023
If a share acquisition by a specific individual or group may risk damaging the corporate value or the common interests of shareholders, the Company considers it necessary to take appropriate measures to ensure the corporate value and the common interests of shareholders to the extent that can be tolerated by laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation. The Company also acknowledges the importance of ensuring the corporate value and the common interests of shareholders, and is carefully continuing reviews on the matter, but at this point no concrete defense measures have been implemented.
Corporate Governance Report (June 25,2024)