JVCKENWOOD contributes to solving social issues through our business and respond to the expectations of all of our stakeholders by providing products and services that take advantage of our strengths based on our Corporate Vision of “Creating excitement and peace of mind for the people of the world”.
The business environment surrounding our company is changing dramatically. SDGs and ESG perspectives toward the realization of a sustainable society are becoming even more vital for corporate management amid uncertainty over global economic trends, including geopolitical risks and dramatic foreign exchange fluctuations as well as climate change, natural disasters, and decarbonization. Moreover, the pace of these changes has accelerated suddenly as a result of the dramatic shifts in our society and lifestyles caused by COVID-19. Corporations from now on will be required to create new values and strengthen their corporate structures to respond to the rapidly changing business environment. Against this backdrop, we have formulated the New Medium-Term Management Plan VISION 2025 which further evolves our basic strategy of "Change for Growth." VISION 2025 carries on the sustainability strategy from the previous medium-term plan VISION 2023 as one of the key themes, and we will continue to promote our sustainability management initiatives.
In promoting sustainability management, we identified social issues strongly related to our business from the perspectives of SDGs, ESG, etc., and identified three material issues: (1) Safety & security initiatives, (2) Environmental response, and (3) Sustainable Monozukuri (manufacturing). It is also important to strengthen our corporate base in work to address these issues. We are deepening the link between solving social issues and our business by establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tied to each material issue and strengthening the corporate base. We will work on sustainability management to resolve these material issues and achieve KPIs.
JVCKENWOOD has always leveraged its strengths as a group to contribute to the solution of major challenges and social issues deeply related to the company and its businesses. Building on the reorganization of FY 2021, we will offer products, services and solutions that address social issues, concentrating on three of our business areas: Mobility & Telematics Services, Public Services, and Media Service.
The Mobility & Telematics Services Sector boasts a top-class share in the domestic market based on our long-standing technology and know-how. For sustainable growth, further technological innovations are indispensable to meet customer needs that have diversified due to the widespread use of AI and IoT. Telematics services centered on communication-type drive recorders, which contribute to creating a safe and secure driving environment, are a concrete example of this.
In the Safety & Security Sector, we contribute to the creation of safe and secure communities by developing professional radio systems that help ensure the safety of people's lives in public places, visual system solutions (security camera systems and image analysis solutions), and audio system solutions (broadcasting systems, conference systems, etc.).
In the Entertainment Solutions Sector, we contribute to the provision of safe, secure, and comfortable lifestyles and deeply emotional experiences through such products as portable power stations that are convenient for daily living and outdoor activities as well as for emergency preparedness, high-value-added projectors, headphones and earphones, and our music-related business.
With our corporate philosophy, "Creating excitement and peace of mind for the people of the world," firmly at the core of our management, all at JVCKENWOOD will work as one to thoroughly consider how we can contribute to the attainment of a sustainable society from a long-term perspective, link this to the creation of corporate value for the entire Group, and continue to work tirelessly to deepen our initiatives and grow.
We appreciate your interest in our initiatives, and your continued understanding and support.
December 2023
Representative Director of the Board
President and CEO