
Paying close attention to the environmental impact of business activities and working to reduce this impact will help build a sustainable society. Companies are now expected to take pro-active steps to address the global issues of global warming, natural resource depletion, and chemical contamination of soil, water and air. 

Our Approach to the Environment

JVCKENWOOD continues to minimize environmental impact in all our business activities, product development, and service provision. Based on the sustainability strategy in our medium-term management plan "VISION 2025," disclosed in April 2023, we revised the Group's basic environmental policy as "JK Green 2030" in September 2023.

The JVCKENWOOD Group supports and adheres to laws and regulations related to the environment ("Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Countermeasures Act)," "Act on Rationalization of Energy Use and Shift to Non-fossil Energy (Energy Conservation Act)," etc.), and every year, we submit reports to administrative agencies concerning matters such as energy usage, progress toward energy reduction targets, and greenhouse gas emissions. We also endeavor to implement environmental management, including setting voluntary standards for environmental facilities that are stricter than legal standards.

Policy for Environmental Vision

Through the creation of products and services based on advanced technological capabilities and our environmental activities, we will work with all stakeholders to preserve the global environment and contribute to the realization of a sound and sustainable society, not only now but also into the future.

We have undertaken a wide range of measures to fulfill our responsibilities as a global company to reduce environmental burdens by sharing Basic Environmental Policy "JK Green 2030" across the Group and establishing/administering an environmental management system based on international standards.

Basic Environmental Policy "JK Green 2030" and Target Setting

Following our environmental vision, we comply with environmental laws and regulations in all our products and business activities and contribute to the sustainable use of and coexistence with energy, resources, and organisms that are the property of the earth. To achieve this goal, we set and implement goals that focus on the following four key environmental objectives.

We are engaged in a variety of initiatives with regard to the four important environmental items: Responses to climate change, Effective use of resources, Environmental conservation and management, and Conservation of biodiversity.

First, as part of Responses to climate change, we have set CO₂ emission reduction targets and are managing progress toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. To promote Effective use of resources, we have also set targets for resource use, regularly evaluate our progress, and continue our efforts to reduce or avoid environmental impacts in our business activities.

Furthermore, with regard to Environmental conservation and management, we are conducting proper management of chemical substances, including those in our supply chain. We are also actively working to realize environmentally friendly policies with regard to Conservation of biodiversity in our own products and services and in our supply chain.

【Item1】 Responses to Climate Change: Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050

■Reduction of CO₂ emissions generated from business activities

  • ・Scopes 1 + 2 Target:46.2% reduction from FY 2019 levels by FY 2030(total, global)


■Reduction of CO2 emissions through the use of purchased, transported, and sold products

  • ・Scope 3 Target : 13.5% reduction from FY2019 levels by FY2030(Categories 1,4,11*, global)

*Category 1: Emissions associated with raw materials, parts, and purchased products;
*Category 4: Emissions associated with transportation of raw materials and products;
*Category 11: Emissions associated with assumed electric power consumption for the use of products sold

【Item2】 Effective Use of Resources: Achieve Zero Emissions (Promotion of 3R* Management)

*: Collective term for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

■Reduction of waste (waste recycling rate)

  • ・Maintain the recycling rate of at least 90%(total, global)


■Reduction in waste generation

  • ・11% reduction from FY2019 levels by FY2030 (per unit of net sales, global)


■Reduction of plastics

  • ・Plastic consumption volume for containers and packaging 35.9% reduction from FY2019 levels by FY2030(total, global)


■Reduction in water consumption

  • ・11% reduction from FY2019 levels by FY2030 (total, global)

【Item3】 Environmental Conservation and Management: Proper Management of Environmentally Hazardous Chemical Substances

■Proper management of chemical substances (hazardous chemical substances)

  • ・Define and manage "environmentally controlled substances" based on in-house standards determined to have significant impacts (aspects) on the global environment and the human body.

【Item4】Conservation of Biodiversity: Maintenance of Ecosystems

Seeing nature-related risks as opportunities, we will actively promote activities aimed at the realization of the basic environmental policy at each stage of the life cycles of our own products and services in the supply chain, contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, and conserve biodiversity.

In the future, we will regularly monitor the progress of our efforts to achieve the targets we have set, and will strive to achieve them, and to further specify and upgrade the targets. Please refer to the related pages for details on our efforts for each goal.

Environmental Management System

We have been seeking to acquire ISO14001 certification as part of constructing our environmental management system. We have obtained certification at all of our business centers and ten affiliate companies in Japan, and at all of our production companies outside Japan. 

List of ISO14001 certifications obtained

Country Company name and location Certifying institution Certification
date of current
Japan JVCKENWOOD Corporation - Network (Japan) JVCKENWOOD Corporation Head Office & Yokohama Business Center Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO) EC98J1095 2026/7/23
Hachioji Business Center
Hakusan Business Center
Kurihama Business Center
JVCKENWOOD Creative Media
Victor Entertainment
JVCKENWOOD Public & Industrial Systems
JVCKENWOOD Service (Japan)
Malaysia JVCKENWOOD Electronics Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. SGS United Kingdom Ltd. MY08/01703 2026/4/29
Thailand JVCKENWOOD Optical Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. SGS United Kingdom Ltd. TH06/1539 2027/1/24
Indonesia PT JVCKENWOOD Electronics Indonesia SGS United Kingdom Ltd. 11/01856 2026/8/24
People’s Republic of China Shinwa Industries (China) Ltd. DNV GL― Business Assurance 1453-1999-AE-RGC-RvA 2026/12/17
Shinwa Electronics (Haining) Ltd. DNV Business Assurance 2028-2005-AE-RGC‐RvA 2026/2/8
Hungary Shinwa Precision Hungary Kft. EMI-TUV SUD Kft 24 104 2686 2026/7/25
Italy ASK INDUSTRIES S.p.A. Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A. 755B-E 2027/11/26

Hybrid Center Certification Acquisition (Head Office, Yokohama)

In fall 2024, the Yokohama head office became "Value Creation Square (VCS)," a base for value creation. The newly constructed building there, the "Hybrid Center," obtained "ZEB Ready certification" (BELS certified) and CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) Yokohama A Rank.

※Building energy conservation performance labeling system, which is a certification system led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism by a third-party evaluation organization specializing in building energy conservation performance.

"The Central" (left) and "Hybrid Center" (right) inside VCS

VCS layout diagram

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

In FY2023, there were no material violations of laws and regulations or fines or penalties related to the environment in JVCKENWOOD Group operations in and out of Japan. We will continue to ensure legal compliance at our business locations and affiliates by operating the ISO 14001 environmental management system, etc. 

JVCKENWOOD also recognizes that the appropriate disposal of pollutants and waste that burden on the environment is an important step toward realizing our Environmental Vision. As part of these efforts, in FY2023 we set aside a provision for disposal cost of PCB (polychlorinated Biphenyl) in the budget for the following fiscal year and took appropriate measures.