Corporate Officer Remuneration

1.Total amount of remuneration by corporate officer title, by type of remuneration, and number of officers receiving

(From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Corporate officer title


Total remuneration (Millions of yen)


Total remuneration by type (Millions of yen)

Number of corporate officers eligible for remuneration


Fixed remuneration

Performance-based remuneration

Retirement Benefit

Non-monetary remuneration etc.

(excluding External Directors)






Audit &Supervisory Board

(excluding External Audit

&Supervisory Board Members)




External Corporate Officer










2.Matters pertaining to the policy, etc. concerning the determination of the amount of remuneration, etc. for Directors, etc. and its calculation method

At the 13th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2021, it was decided to introduce an incentive system with a three-tier structure for the remuneration, etc. of directors, which consists of fixed remuneration, short-term incentive (hereinafter, “STI”*1) and medium- to long-term incentive (hereinafter, “LTI”*2), each of which will be clearly defined. Specifically, the resolution stipulates that in addition to the fixed remuneration, the amount of remuneration, etc., including bonuses and other monetary remuneration as the above STI, shall be no more than 432 million yen per year (including no more than 96 million yen per year for external Directors).

*1  STI: Short Term Incentive.
*2  LTI: Long Term Incentive.

The above amount of remuneration for Directors include the employee’s portion (including the Executive Officer’s portion) of the Directors who work as employees at the same time, and the above stock-based payment as LTI is separate. As of the close of the 13th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2021, the number of Directors was nine (including three external Directors), and the number of Directors concurrently serving as Executive Officers was six.


The Company has an established method for determining the amounts of remuneration for Directors within the total amount of remuneration resolved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, based on the internal rules resolved by the Board of Directors’ meetings and with reports from the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee. Specifically, the basic amount of remuneration for each person is determined after setting the base remuneration and the amount of remuneration for each title (President, Executive Vice President, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Managing Executive Officer, etc.) and each position (Representative, Chairman of the Board, Member of Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, etc.) and paid.

Remuneration system

(1) Fixed remuneration and (2) STI are paid within the limit of remuneration for Directors (432 million yen a year). (3) LTI is paid separately.

(1) Fixed remuneration

The amount of remuneration prescribed in the Company’s internal rules is paid according to the position (President, Deputy President, Senior Management Executive Officer, Senior Vice President, etc.) and job title (Representative, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee Member, etc.).

Fixed remuneration is paid in monetary form as monthly remuneration.

(2) STI

Bonuses are paid to reflect the current results in the current year.

The amount of a fixed percentage calculated from the monthly remuneration shall be the amount of calculation base.

The amount to be paid is determined within the range of 0% (no payment) to 200% (double the amount of the calculation base) of the calculation base amount and is paid in cash according to the annual performance (profit, capital efficiency index, etc.).

Non-executive Directors are not eligible for STI.

(3) LTI

Stock-based Remuneration System Using a Trust is adopted for LTI.

Shares are granted to Directors during the tenure of office as Directors with the transfer restrictions until the end of their tenure in principle.

Points (shares) are determined and consistently granted according to the position and job title.

Additional points are not granted according to performance, while stock value increases serve as an incentive element.

External Directors are not eligible for LTI.


The ratio of fixed remuneration to STI to LTI has been determined to be 75:10:15 at a meeting of the Board of Directors.

The Company pays as a bonus the STI that will be added to or subtracted from the calculation base amount calculated from the individual basic remuneration amount, ranging from 0% (no payment) to 200% (double the amount of the calculation base) according to the annual performance (revenue, core operating income and profit etc.). The performance evaluation of STI eligible employees (Executive Officers, including those who concurrently serve as Directors) for FY2023 has not yet been conducted during the current fiscal year, as it will be determined based on their performance in FY2023, and the evaluation will be completed before the bonus payment in July 2024. Additionally, Directors and Executive Officers voluntarily acquire the Company’s shares corresponding to a certain amount of money each month through the Executive Shareholding Association in order to enable management from the perspective of shareholders with an emphasis on medium- to long-term performance.


In addition, the Company introduces a stock remuneration system using trusts ("this system") as LTI for Directors of the Company (excluding External Directors).
The purpose of this system is to raise Directors’ awareness of contributing to the improvement of medium- to long-term performance and the enhancement of corporate value by further clarifying the linkage between the remuneration for Directors and the value of the Company's shares, and enabling Directors to share profit and risks arising from share price fluctuation with shareholders. The Company also introduces a similar stock remuneration system for Executive Officers who do not concurrently serve as Directors.


An outline of this system is as follows.

(1) Individuals eligible for the System

  • Directors of the Company (excluding external Directors)

(2) Applicable Period

  • The period of up to five fiscal years prescribed by the Company
  • The initial Applicable Period shall be from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027.

(3) Upper limit of cash contributed by the Company as funds for the acquisition of the Company's shares necessary to be delivered to the eligible individuals described in (1) during the applicable period (three fiscal years) described in (2)

  • The amount obtained by multiplying the number of fiscal years of the Applicable Period by 100 million yen
  • A total amount of 300 million yen in the initial Applicable Period (three fiscal years)

(4) Acquisition method of the Company's shares

  • Disposal of treasury stock or acquisition from the exchange market (including off-floor trading)

(5) Upper limit for the total number of points to be granted to the eligible individuals of (1) and the number of the Company's shares equivalent to this

  • 250,000 points per fiscal year
  • One point corresponds to one share of the Company.
  • The ratio of such shares against the total number of issued shares of the Company (as of March 31, 2024, after the deduction of treasury stock) is 0.16%.

(6) Criteria for granting points

  • Points to be granted according to title, etc.

(7) Timing of delivery of the Company's shares to the eligible individuals described in (i)

  • A fixed time each fiscal year during the trust period

(8) Transfer restriction period in the transfer restriction agreement

  • In principle, the period from the day on which the delivery of the Company's shares was received through to the retirement date as Director or Executive Officer of the Company

3. Matters related to the policy concerning the determination of the amount of remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members and its calculation method

The 1st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 24, 2009 resolved that remuneration to Audit & Supervisory Board Members would be no more than 9 million yen per month. Note that at the end of the 15th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 24, 2009 there were five Audit & Supervisory Board Members, of which three were outside auditors.
With regard to remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Company has provided for a method of determining the amount of remuneration in internal rules up to a total amount of remuneration approved by resolution at the General Meeting of Shareholders. To be more specific, the remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members comprises the base remuneration set for full-time and part-time members and the remuneration set according to the job title (Chairman of the Audit & Supervisory Board). The amount of remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members is not linked to performance, but fixed. In the internal rules, the Company prescribes the method of determining the amount of monetary remuneration only and does not pay Audit & Supervisory Board Members non-monetary remuneration, such as shares or share acquisition rights, as consideration for executing their duties.
The Company has established an environment in which Audit & Supervisory Board Members as well as Directors can voluntarily acquire the Company’s shares corresponding to a certain amount of money each month through the Executive Shareholding Association in order to enable management from the perspective of shareholders.


The internal rules prescribing the remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members have been established by the Audit & Supervisory Board through discussions based on the report on the appropriateness of remuneration by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, in order to ensure the consistency with the internal rules prescribing the remuneration for Directors and Executive Officers. Regarding the revision and repeal of the internal rules prescribing the remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the Company made a revision in August 2020 that allows Audit & Supervisory Board Members to voluntarily make a certain amount of contribution from their fixed remuneration for acquiring the Company’s shares through the Executive Shareholding Association. Such contribution was previously mandatory, but the revision was proposed to the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, which concluded that it was appropriate, and was carried out by the Audit & Supervisory Board.