At the JVCKENWOOD Group, we place importance on striving to build trust in our business activities through engagement with various stakeholders such as our customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, employees, local communities, and external business partners (governments, NGOs, and other companies). In particular, working in partnership with external stakeholders such as universities, governments, and business partners brings with it the possibility of creating businesses that have a broader impact on society while making use of the strengths of our company, and thus we feel the need to place more focus going forward on forming such partnerships.
Since 2018, JVCKENWOOD, together with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, has invested in Aikomi Co., Ltd., a venture company conducting research and development specializing in non-drug treatment of dementia. Aikomi seeks to provide non-drug treatments customized to each individual patient that encourage interaction and communication with dementia patients, with the goal of answering very unmet medical needs*1 in caring for dementia patients, such as improving the behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with dementia. Two points are considered important in effectively conducting non-drug treatment: (1) pursuing treatment while maintaining good communication among the three parties (patient, family members, caretaker) involved in caring for the patient, and (2) stimulating the various senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch, in line with the circumstances of each patient.
In Aikomi’s efforts to develop a technological platform that stimulates the five senses and monitors behavior customized for each patient using the IoT and AI, JVCKENWOOD is responsible for developing a device that will serve as a point of contact for dementia patients. For this project, at JVCKENWOOD we bring our strengths in the fields of imaging, acoustics, and telecommunications that we have cultivated over many years as well as our proprietary content, including high-resolution sound source*2, as we proceed with the development of various devices that simulate the five senses.
As Japan faces a super-aging society, dementia is an urgent social issue that needs to be tackled. Aikomi’s solution will be implemented for facilities serially from 2019, and we plan to continue making efforts so that the development of non-drug services for dementia patients will develop into a business which contributes to resolving social issues.
For details, please see the link provided below.
JVCKENWOOD, in collaboration with Creww Inc., an operator of Japan’s largest-level startup community, organizes JVCKENWOOD Accelerator 2019, a program which aims at creating new businesses with startup firms, as part of the JVCKENWOOD Group’s open innovation using its management resources. This program is intended to boost the creation of new businesses together with startup firms by making the most of the management resources of the JVCKENWOOD Group, such as its globally deployed brands, patents and other intellectual properties totaling approximately 11,000 in number that it holds as a technology-based company, and sales channels.
For details, please see the link provided below.
At JVCKENWOOD, we are working on a variety of social implementation projects by collaborating with external stakeholders including different industries, governments, and academia. We will launch new projects in fiscal 2020 and develop an implementation plan as well.
The Center of Innovation Science and Technology based Radical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program (COI STREAM), launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency in 2013, is an industry-academia collaboration project for conducting basic research through to practical realization. It ascertains latent needs, identifies research and development issues by looking ahead to what society will be like in 10 years’ time, and promotes innovative research and development without being confined by existing disciplinary or organizational boundaries.
This project was launched for the purpose of realizing through industry-academia collaboration innovations that could otherwise not be achieved by companies or universities working alone, and to also create a platform in Japan for creating such innovations. Of the three visions stated by COI STREAM, we particularly aim to achieve the second vision of “establishing a rich living environment (to be a country that is prosperous and is respected)” by developing a society with not only abundant material wealth but also emotional and spiritual riches. To achieve this, it is essential that we combine different fields such as arts with science and technology, and work in partnership with the education, medical, and welfare industries. JVCKENWOOD leads the COI activities as its project leader, and is also working to develop a circular hall of the Tokyo University of the Arts, in addition to working to create clone cultural property music. In order to make our society in 10 years’ time even better than it is now, JVCKENWOOD will make use of our wisdom and experiences through collaborations with others, and thereby make a significant contribution to the development of a sustainable society.
Circular hall at Tokyo University of the Arts
Clone cultural property music
Please see the link provided below for further details.
Tokyo University of the Arts COI (link to external website of Tokyo University of the Arts)
*1 Unmet medical needs: Medical needs relating to diseases where treatment methods have yet to be discovered.
*2 High-resolution sound source: High-resolution music that enables enjoyable listening of highly detailed audio with approximately 3.3 times more sound information compared to traditional CDs.