Initiatives as a Member of the Local Community

The JVCKENWOOD Group undertakes various efforts tailored to local needs to strengthen its relations of cooperation and trust with local residents and contribute to the communities it serves. 

Promotion of community contribution activities (Nagano Prefecture)

JVCKENWOOD Nagano has been registered as a Nagano Prefecture SDGs Registered Partner since 2021. The Nagano Prefecture SDGs Registered Partner is an original "registration" system for companies based in Nagano Prefecture to gain awareness of the relationship between the SDGs and their business activities and to promote specific actions to enhance the value and competitiveness of companies in Nagano Prefecture. One of our priority initiatives is the promotion of community contribution activities, and we aim to achieve a 100% participation rate when holding community contribution activities by 2030. Specifically, we participate in the Tenryu River Environmental Picnic (held every May), dispatch employees to be instructors to the Kami-Ina Children's Science Craft Workshop (held every February), provide work-study programs for second-year junior high school students, and participate in the Career Fest. The Career Fest is a day for learning about the community, interacting with local people, and thinking about the future of the community. It brought together approximately 650 students from six junior high schools in Ina City. We also brought in a car navigation system, and through actual operation and product explanations, we provided all students who visited our booth with an opportunity to think about their respective careers.

Nagano Prefecture SDGs Registered Partner logo

Activities to achieve zero children with stunting (Indonesia)

JKEI: PT. JVCKENWOOD Electronics Indonesia participates in the Karawang district government program to overcome stunting (zero children with stunting) by becoming a foster parent for children with stunting (BAAS). A child with stunting is defined as a child whose growth and development are impaired by malnutrition, repeated infections, or inadequate psychosocial stimulation, and whose height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the median of WHO child growth standards. The program formed a Stunting Handling Acceleration Team to provide adequate nutrition for infants under two years old. This team, consisting of a team of family aid officers from the Karawang provincial government and the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS), among others, was able to accelerate the response to children with stunting. The number of cases of stunting in Karawang Province was 20.6% in 2021 and decreased by approximately 6% to 14% in 2022.

Donation of baby food to health center (Indonesia)

PT JVCKENWOOD Electronics Indonesia makes monthly donations of additional food expenses for infants being treated at the local health center. JVCKENWOOD donated a total of 3.6 million Indonesian Rupiah in FY2022.This is part of a government program to make it easier for the people of Indonesia to receive maternal and child healthcare services.

Donation of products to a NPO that provides clown therapy (Italy)

JVCKENWOOD Italia S.p.A. (Italy) donated products to a charity bazaar for Associazione Veronica Sacchi (AVS), a group that offers continuing, free clown therapy to bring happiness and smiles to people who are suffering in hospitals, centers for the disabled, nursing homes, prisons and other places of physical, mental and emotional discomfort. Sales from the charity bazaar and personal donations are used to cover the costs of local clown therapy programs.

Donation to a local hospital (Thailand)

JVCKENWOOD Optical Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. donated 12 boxes of hanging files (600 files) to the Thepparat Hospital in Nakhon Ratchasima Province for use in preserving information about COVID-19 patients and other healthcare data.

Organizing a fundraising event for British Columbia flood relief (Canada)

JVCKENWOOD Canada Inc. held a live donation drive event in cooperation with The Story Till Now and the Four-Wheel Drive Association of British Columbia. Money raised was used to provide relief from the floods that ravished British Columbia in November 2021. Participants who donated money were selected at random to receive a total of C$20,000 worth of headphones, dash cams, projectors, transceivers, and other JVC merchandise. The governments of Canada and British Columbia provided matching donations, raising a total of C$49,065 for the Canadian Red Cross.

Community cleanup activities (China)

In their respective regions, JVCKENWOOD Trading Co., Ltd., Beijing JVCKENWOOD AV Equipment Co., Ltd., and JVCKENWOOD Investment Co., Ltd. (China) cleaned up cigarette butts and other debris on sidewalks and organized shared bicycles parked on the side of the road.

We also introduced and advertised our SDG activities to neighborhood residents and community staff. A total of 29 people joined this volunteer activity.

Tree-planting activities in a national park (Thailand)

JVCKENWOOD Optical Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. conducted tree-planting activities in the managed area of Thap Lan National Park. This activity was undertaken to restore the beauty of nature and preserve the environment. Eighty-seven employees participated and planted a total of 400 trees for forage crops.