Contributions to SDGs

Contributing to SDGs Through Business Activities

The JVCKENWOOD Group recognizes that companies must contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accordingly, we have identified eight of the 17 SDGs connected particularly closely to our material issues as priority goals that particularly those closely related to social issues that the JVCKENWOOD Group is expected to contribute to solving. For information on initiatives that contribute to the achievement of SDGs in each business field, refer to Products and Services that contribute to solving social issues.

Social issues that the JVCKENWOOD Group will contribute to solving and goals to be prioritized

The Group has created a logo with a motif of branches and colors representing social issues that expresses its intention to solve social issues, achieve the SDGs, and grow into the future.

In-house Infiltration of Our Contribution to SDGs

All employees at JVCKENWOOD, from management to general employee, are kept informed about how its business operations are related to the SDGs through internal newsletters and workshops. We also distribute business cards and badges with the SDGs logo to applicants to raise awareness of the relationship between SDGs and businesses.

Hosting SDGs Forum

SDGs Forum 2021 was held for all JVCKENWOOD Group employees for the purpose of instilling an understanding of SDGs within the company and fostering an SDGs-oriented corporate culture.

The forum was held over the eight-month period to May 2023 and featured seven events with a total of 6,000 participants. Events included speeches, workshops and e-learning programs on environment, disabilities, and LGBT and other human rights. 

The successful combination of real and on-line practices provided valuable opportunities for participants to exchange views with people with whom they are not normally in close contact, and to share how people in different positions and situations think about SDGs.

For the news release, here SDGs Forum (July 6, 2023) 

Leave system for employees participating in Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV)

JVCKENWOOD has established a leave program for employees participating in JOCV* to contribute to the SDGs and to support their social contribution activities. The program is designed to support employees' social contribution activities, with participants receiving support during their leaves of absence. As a general rule, there are able to return to their previous workplaces after returning to work.

*Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV): Activities in which volunteers are dispatched by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) to live with local people in developing countries and contribute to solving problems in such countries from the same perspective.

Raising employee awareness with posters and pamphlets

All employees across the JVCKENWOOD Group were provided with a pamphlet designed to help them understand the SDGs, relate the SDGs to their own lives, and think about how they can contribute to achieving the SDGs. Posters were also on display in the head office.

SDGs poster (head office lobby)

SDGs×JVCKENWOOD (pamphlet)

Making the most of business cards

At the JVCKENWOOD Group, we use business cards featuring the SDG logo as a business tool in order to show our stakeholders that we endorse the SDGs and are committed to sustainability.